Sunday, August 2, 2015

Having fun with Ginger

We are not just having fun at many places but also at home. Ginger, our kitty, is having lots of fun playing with us. We're also having fun with her! This video shows how silly she is.

Give credit to my son Cristian for making this video!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Brussels Extravaganza

The Atomium, Oceade water park and Little Europe gave us a couple of fun days in Brussels. Plus we enjoyed some great food!

A Sunny Trip to Ostenda

A day at the beach and some interesting sight awaited us at this North Sea destination.

Disneyland Paris!

Before our move to Cairo in August, we thought we would enjoy some local travel. First, back to Paris, but this time to Disneyland. Smaller than Orlando but we had a fun day and enjoyed some harrowing rides. The next morning we went into the city to enjoy the sites, Musee d'Orsay and a fun amusement park near the Louvre. Couldn't enter the Louvre because of our luggage so went on a great open air bus trip around the city, Paris is beautiful and I'm sure we'll be back.